Task Scheduler Fails - Requested Operation Requires
Disable the UAC. UAC or User access control is an important component of the “windows security … Operation requires elevation (View topic) • Apache Feb 11, 2013 The requested operation requires elevation. (0x800702E4 Nov 16, 2014
Feb 11, 2013
Log file displays WinError 740 when unable to install Causes: Windows 7,8 and 10 uses a security feature called User Account Control Settings, (UAC). The security setting along with different levels of permissions can prevent the application from running.
Jan 17, 2018
How to fix "The requested operation requires elevation Jun 22, 2016 Error 740: The requested operation requires elevation User Account Control in Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7 causes applications to run as a "user" rather than as an "administrator" by default. Certain actions you take will cause User Account Control to display a dialog which will allow you to elevate your permissions level to the administrator level.