Delete the entire history by tapping on “Clear search.” Delete individual entries by tapping on the three-dot symbol to the right of the search term and selecting “Delete.” 2. You have deleted your Facebook search history. Clearing your search history on Facebook is but the first step of increasing your privacy.
How To: Delete search history in IE and Firefox How To: Clear Cache on Firefox and Google Chrome How To: Find log-ins and passwords in Firefox 3 on a PC or Mac How To: Easily delete and manage your browsing history on IE 7 How To: Block Facebook links on any website Facebook is making it easier to bulk-delete your Jun 02, 2020 Understaning Your Browser History (And How To Delete It)
How To: Delete search history in IE and Firefox How To: Clear Cache on Firefox and Google Chrome How To: Find log-ins and passwords in Firefox 3 on a PC or Mac How To: Easily delete and manage your browsing history on IE 7 How To: Block Facebook links on any website
Jan 02, 2020 · Make sure Browsing history has a checkmark next to it. Designate how much history you want to delete with the drop-down menu to the right. Click Clear data and you’re done! Firefox. Crack open the app. Tap those three dots in the right corner. Tap History. Here you’ll see a list of recently viewed websites.
To delete your Facebook Search history in a single go, tap Clear Searches on the top. Tap confirm on the next screen. So, this way you can remove unwanted search from your Facebook search history.
How to Clear Your History in Any Browser Apr 25, 2017 How to Delete Your Creeper Facebook Search History Jun 08, 2013
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